I would really love to write this site in English too. But at the moment that’ s a bit too early in the process. So all English readers of Maarten Maartens will have to be patient. I am sorry, really I am.
This is mainly for three reasons. First of all I am not sure enough about my capabilities as a writer in English. (Honestly, sharing a cup of tea with a native speaker while discussing garden or kitchen issues is hardly the same as writing about literature). Second, I would need to co-work with a native speaker who is really interested in English literature and willing to check my writing. And third, writing this site is at the moment enough of a challenge, starting a second one in English a bit too much of the good. (this is a joke, inspired by Maartens’ direct translations at times).
So, if you happen to be that student who is interested in lending me a hand, doing some work on the English part of this site for studypoints of whatever bright idea might pop up: please contact me. Who knows what the future holds in terms of splendid new research and reading pleasures.
PS and I am sorry, this work is all for love, not for money 🙂